Guild Announcements


Guild Announcements:

The website has been redesigned to make it easier to view on phones and tablets.

Visit us on Facebook at Desert Sage Spinners & Weavers.

If you are new to weaving or unfamiliar with some terms, the sites Weave Structures and Plain Weave Variations will help. I like this article on 
Mixing Twills for its practical learning.

Posts are published by event date so look for them by visiting the Archives to the right or Older Posts after the last displayed post. To return to our Home page at any time, just 
CLICK HEREEnjoy and thank you for visiting!

           “We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Oliver Community Arts Council”


Thursday, 25 February 2016

Nuno Felting Workshop

At the Drop-in today, Klaudia enjoyed teaching her Nuno Felting workshop. Her students worked hard and were all thrilled with their Nuno scarves!

The prep work begins

The hard work is in progress, starting to see results!

Lisa, Greta, Jill, and Marianne display their beautiful scarves.