Guild Announcements


Guild Announcements:

The website has been redesigned to make it easier to view on phones and tablets.

Visit us on Facebook at Desert Sage Spinners & Weavers.

If you are new to weaving or unfamiliar with some terms, the sites Weave Structures and Plain Weave Variations will help. I like this article on 
Mixing Twills for its practical learning.

Posts are published by event date so look for them by visiting the Archives to the right or Older Posts after the last displayed post. To return to our Home page at any time, just 
CLICK HEREEnjoy and thank you for visiting!

           “We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Oliver Community Arts Council”


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Margie's visit to Tonasket, WA

Update from Margie  (my apologies for the tardiness of this post)

Last Sat. we woke up to a dull, glumy day and we decided it was a good day to leave home and do a road trip.  About 10:00 a.m we headed south and ended up in Tonaskat, Wash. for lunch.  The purpose of our trip was to find the new yarn shop Marg H. told me about at guild, Bell, Hook and Spindle.  And right on main street is the most inviting window display in one of Tonasket's old, heritage buildings. 
Lindy Weber is a very upbeat, delightful gal & within a few minutes you feel like you've known her forever.  She is a quilter, knitter and just recently has started to spin fibre.  Tea is on all the time and her sitting area beckons you to sit awhile, relax and have a cup of tea.  She is certainly an asset to the little town of Tonasket.  Her husband is into restoring old spinning wheels and a room in their little shop is set up to display them.  
So for those of you who would like to do a road trip visiting Lindy in Tonasket is well worth the short drive across the border.  

Editor: (Her shop closed as of Oct 2015; Please see Comments)
The little room with a display of restored wheels.

Margie and Lindy

Some of Lindy's spun yarn.


  1. Hi! Was so pleased to see this post and pix of our shop! I thought I would give an update. We closed the end of October 2015 so Lindy could get a new hip. The link given above is no longer alive, but we continue on at
    And the creative group that meets every Saturday, The Charlotte Connection continues on in various members' homes. Just email us and we will let you know how to find us and join us!
    Love seeing all that your group is doing! Amazing talent!

  2. Hi! Was so pleased to see this post and pix of our shop! I thought I would give an update. We closed the end of October 2015 so Lindy could get a new hip. The link given above is no longer alive, but we continue on at
    And the creative group that meets every Saturday, The Charlotte Connection continues on in various members' homes. Just email us and we will let you know how to find us and join us!
    Love seeing all that your group is doing! Amazing talent!
