Guild Announcements


Guild Announcements:

The website has been redesigned to make it easier to view on phones and tablets.

Visit us on Facebook at Desert Sage Spinners & Weavers.

If you are new to weaving or unfamiliar with some terms, the sites Weave Structures and Plain Weave Variations will help. I like this article on 
Mixing Twills for its practical learning.

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           “We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Oliver Community Arts Council”


Saturday, 1 October 2016

Alison Irwin Workshop and all about Doubleweave Pickup Techniques

Thanks to funding assistance from the Oliver Arts Council and ANWG,  the Desert Sage Spinners and Weavers were able to invite weaver Alison Irwin of Maple Bay Studio in Duncan for a two-day workshop at the Shatford Centre in Penticton on pick-up weaving techniques on 4-harnesses. Each participant  brought their warped up loom to the workshop.
Alison describes her workshop as "Expand your four-shaft loom's potential with three pick-up techniques: Finnweave, Mock Satin Damask (
a broken twill pickup) and Doubleweave Pickup. Al three can be woven on one sampler with a threading".
In researching these techniques or as some say weave structures, I found many variations in terminology so I searched for some sites to help explain this subject and the techniques. Several are by Madelyn van der Hoogt of Interweave and others by bloggers.
The Best Weave Structure is Doubleweave
Variations in Doubleweave 

The difference between Block Doubleweave and Finnweave
An experience in trying Mock Satin Damask
Not a part of this workshop but an interesting article is Deflected Doubleweave and facing fears

What interesting and very challenging weaving!
Barb L took these photos of the workshop for us.

Enthusiastic weavers ready to learn!
Double Weave Pickup on the loom....

Concentration is needed!
And the amazing results! 

Happy Weavers!

Congratulations to everyone who attended the workshop! 
Here are some examples of Alison's work.....
Can you identify the different types?

Thank you Alison for visiting and sharing your knowledge and talent with us! I learned a lot just in researching this post. Thank you Barb L for all your work in organizing the workshop and hosting, iLona S for writing the grant requests and Gail E for liaison, all of which made this workshop a success. And thank you to ANWG and the Oliver Arts Council for their support.

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