Guild Announcements


Guild Announcements:

The website has been redesigned to make it easier to view on phones and tablets.

Visit us on Facebook at Desert Sage Spinners & Weavers.

If you are new to weaving or unfamiliar with some terms, the sites Weave Structures and Plain Weave Variations will help. I like this article on 
Mixing Twills for its practical learning.

Posts are published by event date so look for them by visiting the Archives to the right or Older Posts after the last displayed post. To return to our Home page at any time, just 
CLICK HEREEnjoy and thank you for visiting!

           “We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Oliver Community Arts Council”


Thursday, 11 May 2017

May 2017 Show and Tell and Year of the Dragon Challenge

Our 40th anniversary is next week. To celebrate, Nell designed this amazing placemat depicting "40 Years Desert Sage Guild" as an Overshot weave using 12 harnesses. Here is her design, formula, weaving draft and her woven placemat.
For a better look, click on the image.

Nell's 40th anniversary design, the formula,
the draft and her finished placemat
Cynthia's 12 Harness Guild project placemat

Next are some photos from our May 4th Drop-in. 
Ann S. came to visit us and brought her Year of the Rooster Challenge. 
The front is an 8 harness extended twill
creating a flame look
The reverse is plain tabby with the
Year of the rooster symbol 

Barb W.'s Coil Spinning; 1 weft coil and
the second throw with carpet yarn  
I have no notes except that
the button is made of Femo.
Some Tapestry Group members
checking over the works in progress

And now for May Meeting Show and Tell and the Year of the Rooster Challenge:
Diane H's Rooster Challenge woven placemats
Terry's free form felted and painted
Rooster Challenge placemats
Helene's rooster challenge shawl. She bought
the yarn and the pattern at the Osoyoos Spin-in
Marie Richardson's Shawlette from her
handspun merino and silk yarn. 

Karen knit this shawlette 50/50 wool & acrylic



Joyce kit this baby's hoodie sweater.
She says thanks to Yvonne & Diane L

Klaudias fingerless gloves and toe socks


Helene's Flat Rat bookmarks
Michelle's woven scarves
(yarn from Stash sale)

Helene's knitted hats in acrylic, wool & nylon

Marg's tea towels and felted slippers.

"Weaving on a box"
Wendy's candy bag woven on a simple box loom
Weaving on a Box in progress


Herb Garden Planter for Klaudia,
a thank you for her term as President


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