Guild Announcements


Guild Announcements:

The website has been redesigned to make it easier to view on phones and tablets.

Visit us on Facebook at Desert Sage Spinners & Weavers.

If you are new to weaving or unfamiliar with some terms, the sites Weave Structures and Plain Weave Variations will help. I like this article on 
Mixing Twills for its practical learning.

Posts are published by event date so look for them by visiting the Archives to the right or Older Posts after the last displayed post. To return to our Home page at any time, just 
CLICK HEREEnjoy and thank you for visiting!

           “We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Oliver Community Arts Council”


Thursday, 11 January 2018

Jan 2018 Show and Tell

It was a smaller turnout than ususal for this month's meeting. The snow storm we were being warned about came early so those of us living further north listened to the advisories and stayed home. Fortunately, our members in Oliver and Osoyoos were able to make it and here is their Show and Tell. Thank you to Ewa for the photos and comments.
Lilo knit a skirt from bamboo yarn
Sue was happy to model
 the wool sweater she knit
Jen showed the many skeins of  mohair that she
hand spun, some with silk, as well as a mat she
wove from cotton which she had dyed using
walnuts and other odds and ends she picked up
from the guild's stash sales.  

Cynthia wove a burgundy scarf from tencel and bamboo,
small napkinsusing a syncopated rose path pattern
 and cotton hand towels
Admin Note: the weave structure Syncopated threading Rosepath
is on p. 217 of Anne Dixon's book Handweavers Pattern Directory

Klaudia showed her efforts over the christmas holidays with a
pair of wool gloves, wool socks andon with cotton dish towels.

Marg H was busy again producing three pair of
wool socks and cotton dish towels. 

(also shown is her Guild project Colour Gamp) 

Admin note: Marg finds her tea towel colours to match
stainless steel appliances are very popular. 
And this is why many of us didn't make it to Guild this week: 

but Maggie and I showed our items the next week:  
Barb H's 1st pair of completed socks!
(Sandes Garn 'Perfect' Sock Yarn)

Maggie's Slouchie hat in a
wool and acrylic yarn  

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