Guild Announcements


Guild Announcements:

The website has been redesigned to make it easier to view on phones and tablets.

Visit us on Facebook at Desert Sage Spinners & Weavers.

If you are new to weaving or unfamiliar with some terms, the sites Weave Structures and Plain Weave Variations will help. I like this article on 
Mixing Twills for its practical learning.

Posts are published by event date so look for them by visiting the Archives to the right or Older Posts after the last displayed post. To return to our Home page at any time, just 
CLICK HEREEnjoy and thank you for visiting!

           “We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Oliver Community Arts Council”


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Welcome Everyone!

Desert Sage Spinners and Weavers Guild is a very active guild located in Oliver in the Southern Okanagan, B.C.  We meet weekly for 10 months out of the year and have large membership with 60+ members coming from as far as Summerland to the north and up on Anarchist and Richter's Pass in the south.  It is a wonderfully supportive group where teaching is a huge part of our mission.
This blog is an attempt at keeping both our members and the fibre world at large in the know about our activities.

Following contribution by Margie S. 

Our knitting guru, Dianne teaching an in house workshop on how to fix your knitting mistakes.  Dianne won a Good News bear this year and brought him to guild to show him off.  The Good News bears campaign is held every year to raise money for our valley food banks.  When you give you are entered in a draw to win a bear that is donated to the cause by service groups or individuals.  Wondering if our guild would be interested in making a bear for this very worthy cause.. We might even have a "bear maker" in our midst.   She could be this cute, little middle aged ....or older, bear who is spinning her heart out or completely tangled in yarn with bent knitting needles.  Something to think about.
 Yes, it is a bottle of wine in one of our gals work baskets.  I started to chuckle when I seen this and asked Margaret what she was trying to knit that she needed to bring a bottle with her. She quickly explained that she had given Sandy some wool wanting nothing in return and as a gratitude Sandy brought her this nice bottle of red wine.  You might have a lot of trying to give you something yarn related in the future Sandy.

Our guild gals are busy working on a project to display at the AMWG weaver's convention being held in Bellingham, Wash. starting June 13th.  At guild today Marie and Barb were busy felting walls to build a little cottage. Could fibre walls be the new  environmentally friendly choice for future construction?   Who knows? Our guild just might be the forerunners in something big here.  Can't wait until we can post a picture of the finished project for our blog readers to see.

Be sure to check out the link on the upper right hand side labelled Resources for more.

1 comment:

  1. I had a scarf made of Okanagan Tartan; it is lost and I would like to replace it. Where might I find one?
